thoughts, honest struggles and joys from a 20- something in Manchester

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Superstring theory

This makes sense.

I believe there is so much more to life than most of us currently experience.
see to see what I mean.


Now its September 2009.

Now living with Han&Ayd in North Manchester, and loving this part of my life.
Now a proper doctor after 6 years of study.  Training now to be a GP.  Am in my second year of that, and fourth year post graduation.
My brother is now married and I have a sister in law.  My sister has now been and returned from a round the world trip with her boyfriend.
My mum has moved to France with her husband and they are keeping themselves out of mischief....maybe.
My dad is remarried and we are now on much better terms - PTL!!

Still at Ivy, although havent attended for ages.
having dreams more regularly.
Also things seem to be lining up better - time to stop giving to one thing and start giving to another, time now available to start piano lessons, time to connect with old friends and make new ones.

Terry Pratchett put it well when he said 'Interesting Times'